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Varicose veins of the lower extremities (LVLD) is the most common pathology of peripheral vessels [ 1, 5, 17 ].

Modern data indicate that the detection rate of chronic venous diseases (CVD) among the adult population is at least 25% [ 4, 15, 18 ]. A number of studies also present higher figures, indicating the prevalence of the disease with a frequency of up to 50% or more [ 2, 9 ].

Many studies have been devoted to the study of the pathogenesis of varicose veins, and to date, an impressive amount of knowledge has been accumulated about the events accompanying varicose vein transformation at different levels, including genetic and molecular changes [ 8, 10 ]. Factors influencing this process include changes in hemodynamics - a decrease in laminar blood flow velocity and the appearance of turbulent blood flow, an increase in venous pressure and associated stretching of the vein walls, hypoxia, oxidative stress, endothelial activation and inflammation [ 6, 7, 8, eleven ].



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  3. Fitridge R. A. [et al.]. A prospective randomized trial evaluating the haemodynamic role of incompetent calf perforating veins / Fitridge R. A. [et al.]// Australian and New Zealand journal of surgery. -1999. -№ 3 (69). -C. 214–216.
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  8. Pocock E. S. [et al.]. Cellular and molecular basis of venous insufficiency / Pocock E. S. [et al.]// Vascular cell. -2014. -№ 1 (6). -C. 24.
  9. Robertson L., Evans C. and, Fowkes F. G. R. Epidemiology of chronic venous disease // Phlebology. -2008. -№ 3 (23). -C. 103–111.
  10. Scott T. E. [et al.]. Risk factors for chronic venous insufficiency: a dual case-control study / Scott T. E. [et al.]// Journal of vascular surgery. -1995. -№ 5 (22). -C. 622–628.
  11. Segiet O. A. [et al.]. Biomolecular mechanisms in varicose veins development / Segiet O. A. [et al.]// Annals of vascular surgery. -2015. -№ 2 (29). -C. 377–384.
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  14. Калинин Р. Е. [и др.]. Оценка результатов флебэктомии без лигирования несостоятельных перфорантных вен при варикозной болезни вен нижних конечностей / Р.Е. Калинин [и др.]//Вестник хирургии имени ИИ Грекова. - 2017. - № 1 (176). -С. 46-51.
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